Songs and dances in detail

Songs and dances in Zambia: musowa wa mfwa

At the evening of the death, and especially early in the next morning, the close relatives of the deceased lament their musowa wa mfwa at the place where the body lies. Short mournfully spoken lines concerning the deceased are alternated with ‘sung’ mourning lines. Every person has her own way of lamenting the musowa wa mfwa. Only the text differs according to who has died and the circumstances of the dying.

Songs and dances in Zambia: ciwila

The role of Ciwila songs is to mark the occasion and to connect with other features of Chibale culture.
The dancing is to attract people to listen and learn the song texts through singing while watching. The song texts are expected to be composed at the spot. The songs, drumming and dancing are regarded, also by people from other areas, as typical of the Lala region.

Songs and dances in Zambia: kaluwe

Kaluwe songs are about hunting and adventurous hardships. The dancing by Kaluwe mediums is instructive. It shows what it is like to hunt the different kinds of bigger animals. Regarded as typical for the Lala region, it is recognised that Kaluwe music is shared within a large area.

Songs and dances in Zambia: mwami

Mwami songs are about healing, illness or any other subject connected to staining. They are in the language of the area where the the possessing spirit lived, possibly mixed with Lala. Mwami melodies contain more jumps than Ciwila and Kaluwe melodies and have a greater variety in the form of the melody.
The dancing is considered to be Lenje- or Lima-like. The drumming tempo, and so the dancing tempo, is slightly slower than that of Ciwila and Kaluwe.

Songs and dances in Zambia: moba

Moba possession was common in Chibale from the beginning of the 1910s up to the 1940s. In the 1980s, it had become  rare. It is often characterised as a Ciwila kind of possession, sometimes as a Mwami kind of possession.

Songs and dances in Zambia: icila

In Chibale the icila is any dance for a group of dancers of both sexes, often unmarried people. It can be danced both at recreational occasions and at special occasions: the girls’ initiation and the Ipupo. Icila is the general name for social dance songs and dances and for the occasion at which these are performed.

Songs and dances in Zambia: mbeni

In the beginning of the 1930s a new social dance came up, the mbeni. Apart from the name, it bears no resemblances with the Beni wave that swept over East Central Africa in this period. It either underwent a deep lalaification or a few Beni elements were inserted in a variant of the cinko.

Songs and dances in Zambia: kalindula

The most recent new type of social dance, already dating back to 1979, is the kalindula. It is a hip dance that is danced by all, individually and in pairs. It is accompanied by an ensemble that is only used for kalindula. Different from most other music in Chibale, it has gone through a process of localisation, obtaining more Chibale characteristics.

Songs and dances in Zambia: national kalindula and lumba

Lumba is a comprehensive term used to refer to music from Zambia’s neighbouring countries, notably Congo. Zambian music similar to this music can also be called lumba. Lumba can also refer to all popular music from Zambia and neighbouring countries that one can hear on the radio or in bars. However, in the 1980s and 1990s, Zambian popular music was more often called kalindula. In many cases, the kalindula songs were arrangements of old, by definition rural, songs with adapted or new song texts.